Wednesday, June 06, 2007

about that birthday...

so the roommate comes home with ice cream cake and says "they ran out of wiis... so you get to choose what you want...a wii or that pink camera you keep playing with."

yes yes i know ... utterly no tact, but that's what's is lovable about roommate in a "i want to strangle you" sort of way...

so anyway, i just don't see really using a wii anytime soon (still in school and must do without distractions)

so i requested the following
package a:
down and up lace sock pattern

gothic spire

twisted flower sock pattern

soak aquae wash (b/c eca loves that clean fresh smell)


package b:
the yarn meter on the side bar

with either package i'd be we'll see what he gets.

yes red, eca and the socks. now hush!
marin gets a cookie for being nice to the eca =)

1 comment:

Marin (AntiM) said...

marin will give the cookie back as a reward for the eca picking all her most favouritest cookie socks.

I sense a cookie theme emerging...