i love the skein rolled up. it's so pretty. and there are SUBTLE VARIATIONS /me claps proudly
and here it is all laid out. i cut the ties on this one while it dried.
now i wanted to make the roomie socks. i actually don't need 2 full skeins of worsted weight yarn, but i figured i could make myself some or make him an extra sock should he ruin one...
this was dyed with the same dye (lots put into one jar and each pour measured precisely by measuring cup) and 2 different crock pots.
there's a bit more white in these than i'd like, but damn was this hard. i did my whole add more dye after 30-60 minutes right after you move the ties but it seems to exhaust quickly. maybe it's the vinegar?
and here they are side by side...purposefully messed up sides showing. notice in the skein on the bottom there's a bit of blue.
overall, i'm very happy with what i've done =)
ooo, pretty!
Not that you are totally obsessed with the dying thing.
Soooo digging the greens.
to Red: black kettle! Black!
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